09.21.2022 | Category, Blog

Just outside John F. Kennedy International Airport, a beehive of activity consisting of import, exports, moving, small parcel and commercial cargo takes place. Our YAMATO New York branch is busy, reflecting the energy of Manhattan, one of the world’s greatest cities. The NY office started with three people, now we employ over one dozen.
The variety of imports coming into YAMATO are amazing. Fabrics from around the world feed New York’s fashion industry. Exotic foods from around the world supply the region's thousands of restaurants. Medical equipment, aerospace equipment and huge machines. Flowers from Ecuador, noodles from Japan and olive oil from Greece.
Exports include everything from diamonds, gold, artwork, jewelry, aircraft parts, integrated circuits, rubies, silver and modems. Food products include maple syrup, meat and wine.
Japan is the third top market for New York area exports, after Canada and the UK. Back in the 1700s when New York was just a colony, the major exports were fur, wheat and tobacco.
At our NY office, form follows function. Space is allocated by section, administration, IT, conference room, import, export and of course, our warehouse for storage and fulfillment. Workload is shared with our New Jersey office.