11.22.2022 | Category, Blog

Nothing like being located on the Pacific Rim, where some of the biggest economies in the world move goods back and forth. At its LAX branch, YAMATO has twenty employees working hard to move products through air cargo and ocean freight all over the world. They also help people move back and forth from Japan with our unequaled relocation division.
Our LAX branch is busy, with exports coming in from Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Mexico and China. Don’t forget Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand all use our branch too.
Every day, the branch handles everything, including large shipments of spare automobile and machine parts to keep vehicles and assembly lines moving. And, according to everyone at the branch, things are moving. While still congested and shipping prices elevated, things are calming down relative to logistics at the height of the COVID pandemic.
The LAX branch also has a sizable storage operation. Currently, YAMATO is being tasked with storing things longer than usual, due to some continuing pain points in various supply chains. Not only does the branch handle Southern California, but also items coming to and from the commerce centers of Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and El Paso.
The LAX branch is uniquely positioned to service three economic giants, the US, Japan and China. With the incredible pace of growth and modernization of Asian countries, expect this branch to see sustained growth in the coming decades.