YAMATO Signs U.N. Global Compact For Sustainability
07.23.2019 | Category, Blog

Yamato has a long rich legacy of social responsibility and superior corporate conduct, going back to its founding 100 years ago by Yasuomi Ogura. Yamato continues to lead the way by recently signing a United Nations Global Compact for achieving a more sustainable world. The U.N. Global Compact seeks to meet global goals by collectively driving local businesses to act. The multi-year strategy supports achieving Sustainable Development Goals with strict annual reporting requirements to the UN.
As a worldwide company with over 200,000 employees, Yamato is well aware of its ability to work towards achieving a sustainable, global economy. We use low-emission vehicles, operate in facilities that run on renewable energy, cooperate with local governments and bus companies to provide mixed-use passenger route buses for transportation of freight and are using more railways and shipping lines to reduce CO2 emissions and road congestion. We, staff local cleanup campaigns whenever and wherever possible and have educated more than 240,000 school aged children since 2005 on the importance of protecting the environment through its Kuroneko Yamato Environmental Education classes.
The mission of the Global Compact takes our commitment one step further, mobilizing our resources and conducting business responsibly by aligning our strategies with ten principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Additionally, Yamato is committed to taking positive actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
As a company, Yamato has always taken issues affecting our employees, customers and communities seriously. For more information on the U.N. Global Compact, go to: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/sdgs