We offer B2C, B2B, and direct from supplier shipping options!

Our Experience, Your Advantage

Rely on us for your US to Asia e-commerce logistics!

Offered destinations: Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia

Trusted brand
Delivery coverage
Domestic parcel delivery market share

Perfect for Cross-Border E-Commerce businesses
Competitive rates
Convenient added-value services
Secure, safe, and guaranteed delivery
Services for B2C, B2B, direct from supplier shipping options

    * required




    Client Experiences

    Company E

    Largest e-commerce auction site

    Company E is the world’s largest e-commerce auction website and is considered to have the greatest number of products online. They also provide services at the local level for multiple countries, while offering products from all over the world. Yamato provides the extensive delivery network for their shipping needs from the US to Japan and Thailand. Yamato has also achieved the industry’s top door-to-door delivery transit time for Thailand. In addition, Yamato offers convenient delivery notification services using the LINE app, which has been highly valued by the end customers.
    # Of packages shipped per day to Japan  
    # Of packages shipped per day to Thailand  
    Loss or damages of packages  
      Below 0.3%
    On-time delivery rate  

    Company I

    Largest online health product retailer

    Company I is an American e-commerce website that mainly provides supplements, cosmetics, health foods, and other nutraceuticals. They have the greatest lineup of products in the US and services to over 150 countries around the world. Their services are supported in multiple languages ​​and currencies to offer a great customer experience. Yamato provides delivery networks from the US to Japan and Taiwan, and in both markets Company I is considered to be the top-ranking e-retailer. Yamato also offers various added features such as cash on delivery services and convenience store receiving services to enhance the customer experience.
    # Of packages shipped per day to Japan  
    # Of packages shipped per day to Taiwan  
    Loss or damages of packages  
      Below 0.1%
    On-time delivery rate  
    Our Services
    Compliance check and export/import documentation services
    Easily print shipping labels from our Y-Ship Cloud app
    Our Y-Ship Cloud app has an integrated API with Amazon Seller Central and Rakuten RMS
    Fulfillment services in the US and Japan
    Full tracking service
    Services with Amazon Japan to expedite FBA deliveries
    UPS drop-off options
    © 2022 Yamato Transport U.S.A., Inc., All Rights Reserved.